venerdì 23 agosto 2013


qui trovate la survey che abbiamo impostato, e che mandiamo al tutor a breve...

ho trovato un genio!!

Lui è John Stepper, tutti i suoi articoli sono particolarmente interessanti, quindi preparatevi a sentirlo nominare spesso... Per ora vi segnalo questo: the value of collaboration 4 reducing the cost of internal communications/. Vi cito solo un passaggio: there are a lot of people involved in producing and governing content. Traditionally, we’ve relied on dedicated communications professionals tell employees the news of the organization. They’re often gatekeepers, too, deciding whether you’re even allowed to have a presence on the intranet. Now, though, the news spreads much more quickly and cheaply, and Communications departments must either be smaller or change what they do. ...C'eè da meditare, no??

giovedì 15 agosto 2013

Forse questo mettera' d'accordo anche la nostra a-social...

Be Proactive About The Initial Experience In order to jump-start user adoption, enterprise social systems should use the full power of the information available in the company. Beyond social relations created by the employees themselves, organizations should use the wide-ranging information in internal systems to make intelligent recommendations. For example, based on employees’ roles and place in the corporate hierarchy, people could be automatically enrolled in particular groups with recommendations on people to follow, documents to read, training courses to take, etc. Over time, the system should learn from usage, continually proposing new and refined recommendations. The social home page could become somewhere users live, rather than just another open tab in a browser.